Page 65 - Old Testament Survey Student Textbook- short
P. 65

Book 5: Ps. 107-145) After his absence (3-4), David reappears in Book 5, opening with praise for YHWH’s
               redemption- captivity and return- exile (107), pleas for His rescue national and individual (108-109) and
               a portrait of His redeemer (110). Three acrostic wisdom psalms (111-112, 119) celebrate God’s works
               and word, with instruction on our right response. This torah-oriented frame brackets the Hallel psalms
               (113-118), praise for God’s saving character- Passover. Songs of Ascents, sung by pilgrims (120-134),
               focus on YHWH as the source of help/blessing, Zion as His special city. Based in YHWH’s loyal love, a
               closing chorus (135-145) brackets pleas for present rescue with praise of past redemption Epilogue (Ps.
               146-150) Opening and closing each psalm with hallelujah, the psalmist calls all creation to praise YHWH
               in every place, in every way, with all of their being. It is a fitting response to His works and character. As
               faithful provider and protector (146), Israel’s loyal suzerain (147), sovereign creator and king (148), and
               just judge (149), let everything with breath praise YHWH (150). Ones who fear Him are blessed, wicked

                                   The Book of Psalms


               Proverbs is also referred as the book of timeless wisdom. More precisely is focuses
               on living wisely in the fear of YHWH.

               The main message: With portraits and principles of wisdom, Proverbs teaches how
               YHWH created the world to work and how to live wisely in fear of Him.

               Wisdom: Portraits (1:1-9:18). The opening prologue reveals the anthology’s purpose, living wisely in the
               fear of YHWH—affectionate reverence that fuels righteous ethics and brings rich rewards (1:1-7). This
               initial section is bracketed by two portraits: Lady Wisdom offers counsel, warns of consequences (1:20-
               33). Later, Lady Wisdom’s invitation and insight is contrasted with the invitation and injury of Madame
               Folly (9:1-18). The center of this opening section contains fatherly wisdom—Hear, my son 13x on various
               issues in life: • pull of the wicked (1:8-19) • path to wisdom (2:1-22) • profit of wisdom (3:1-35) • pursue
               wisdom! (4:1-27) • promiscuous woman (5:1-23) • practical admonitions (6:1-19) • price of adultery
               (6:20-27) • promiscuous woman (7:1-27) • portrait by Lady Wisdom (8:1-36) Biblical wisdom begins with
               one’s relationship with YHWH- vertical but affects all aspects of one’s life horizontal! True wisdom
               affects the heart and informs behavior!

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