Page 68 - Old Testament Survey Student Textbook- short
P. 68

solve uncertainty in life (10:4-20). In light of inevitabilities rain, tree, wind, uncertainties you do not
               know, character ≠ consequence, Qoheleth urges one to diversify investment (1-6)

               Wisdom: Rejoice and Remember (11:7-12:8)   Concluding his wisdom teaching, Qoheleth repeats same
               themes life is fleeting and enjoy life, but shifting order, sees experience through truth. In two panels
               (11:7-8, 9-10), he urges one to rejoice in life, especially one’s youth, with a reminder that death and
               judgment are coming. With metaphors for aging and death, Qoheleth urges one to remember Creator in
               youth. Returning to the start- inclusion he concludes w/ fleeting nature of life. (12:1-8).

               Epilogue: Quintessence (12:9-14)   Narrator closes with affirmation of Qoheleth as wise, trustworthy to
               read praising his skill in wisdom. Rather than subversion, narrator sums up all/every Qoheleth’s teaching
               explicitly connecting wisdom and Torah, fear God and keep commands, restating its motivation, positive
               duty and negative judgment!

                                   The Book of Ecclesiastes

               Song of Solomon

               Writings: Living Wisely in Sexuality

               Date: Debated (superscription: Authorship:  Solomon)

               Theme: God’s Gift of Human Love and Sexuality

               Message: Song of Songs traces lovers from passionate longing to joyful reunion, showing human
               sexuality as God’s good gift to be enjoyed in its proper context!

               Poems of Desire (1:1-2:7)  In multiple poems, with various literary fictions, the lovers express sensual
               desire for each other: a royal maid praises intoxicating love of a king (1:2-4, 12-14), a country maiden
               wishes to find her shepherd lover (5-7), and enjoy intimacy in nature (16-17). Playfully inviting his
               beloved to come (8), the man praises her beauty (9-11, 15). Amidst her self-deprecation, the lover exalts

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