Page 85 - Old Testament Survey Student Textbook- short
P. 85

18, 62:3-12). YHWH will be everlasting light, making possible the purity, permanence, power of His
               people (60:19-22). Servant’s Spirit Empowered Deliverance (61:1-11)

               With parallels to the ideal David and the Servant (11:1-10, 42:1-9, God’s Anointed One announces His
               divinely appointed mission (1-3)-  to bring about the deliverance of God’s people (4-7) and cause
               righteousness among God’s people (8-11),  all for His glory! Through His ministry, God will restore the
               fortunes of His people- foreigners will serve rather than rule them. Instead of oppressing the nations,
               Israel will be a priest, mediating the worship of YHWH and teaching His ways (4-7). Because of His
               character and covenant, He will preserve, purify His people (8-11).

                                   The Book of Isaiah Part II


               Jeremiah means ‘YHWH is exalted’ (lineage-Anatoth, life-unmarried, relation
               to nation/God)

                Date/Setting: 627-586 B.C. and beyond; Babylon’s rise, Judah’s demise

               Theme(s): Confront (1-10), Covenant (11-33), Captivity (34-52)

               Message: Jeremiah confronts Judah’s sin (1-10), contrasts their broken covenant and coming judgment
               with a new covenant and future restoration (11-33), and concludes with the details of Judah’s captivity
               for their continued rejection of God’s commands (34-52).

               Jeremiah: section 1

               Commissioned by God (1:4-19)  God consecrates Jeremiah as his prophet- selected by God, set apart to
               serve Him, sent to deliver His message to nations (4-6); He comforts him with a promise  of His
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