Page 90 - Old Testament Survey Student Textbook- short
P. 90

11.4 Let’s Practice…

                        1.  What the characteristics of a true Prophet? List five of the six.

                        2-3.  Name three reasons why the study of Prophecy is so important:

                        4-7  What are the four major emphasis of biblical prophecy?

               8-10. What are the three major themes of the book of Isaiah?

               11.  Both Isaiah and Jeremiah preached messages that endangered their lives (especially Jeremiah).
               What does it indicate in reference to the Prosperity preachers who speak something different?

               12.  What is the theme of Lamentations?

               13.  Why is the prophet Jeremiah sometimes referred to as the weeping Prophet?

               11.5 Let’s personalize this lesson…

                      Jeremiah and Isaiah preached messages that endangered their lives; especially the Prophet,
                      Jeremiah, whose entire life was threatened many times by his countrymen for Prophesying
                      about the 70 year exile in Babylon. Most of the contemporary “so called Prophets” did not stand
                      on the truth of God’s word. They chose to preach false messages in order to please the people
               and the kings.   What false prophets do you know about today that preach error and confuse believers in

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