Page 44 - Life of Christ w videos
P. 44
Study Section 8: The Collapse of the Galilean Campaign
8.1 Connect.
Do you ever get discouraged? I do. Generally, I find discouragement in the fact that I try to
accomplish something and work really hard at it but get no results. I think of William Carey,
missionary to India in the early 1800’s. He traveled half-way around the world to a foreign
land. Shortly after arriving, he contracted malaria and then his 5-year-old son died of
dysentery. His wife could not take the pressure of poverty and loss of life and had a mental
breakdown for the balance of her life. She was confined to her room and physically restrained. Carey
ministered every day for seven years before he had ONE person accept Christ as Savior. He spent 41
years in India and could account for only 700 converts in a nation of millions.
In like manner, Jesus traveled throughout Galilee and healed thousands, demonstrating His power as
God. Yet, for the most part, He was rejected, especially among the religious leaders. John says, “He
came unto His own, and His own received Him not”. (John 1:11). I bet Jesus got discouraged with their
response. Today we are going to look at how Jesus handled the disheartening response of the people.
8.2 Objectives.
1. The student should be able to discuss Jesus’ response to disbelief among the people and
especially among the religious leaders in Galilee.
2. The student should be able to explain how Jesus required solitude to spend time with His
heavenly Father.
3. The student should be able to describe Jesus’ journey to Caesarea Philippi to observe the declaration
of the disciples in their understanding of who Jesus was.
8.3 The Collapse of the Galilean Campaign (Matthew 14:1-13: Matthew 14:13-21; Mark
6:30-44; Luke 9:10-17; and John 6:1-13; John 6:14-15; Matthew 14:22-23; Mark 6:47-52;
and John 6:16-21; Matthew 14:34-36 and Mark 6:53-56; John 6:22-25; John 6:26-59; John
6:60-71; Matthew 15:1-20 and Mark 7:1-23)
Jesus’ public ministry in Galilee for 18 months is ending because the Jews in that region
demonstrated their commitment to disbelief, irrespective of the miraculous evidence. Jesus
hears of the death of John the Baptist and in response to this report, decided to depart from
Before leaving, Jesus preached his final message to the masses. This is the only miracle
recorded in all four Gospels, so it must hold great importance. Again, Jesus had compassion on the
masses that followed Him and demonstrated it by healing the sick and then by feeding them all with
only five loaves of bread and two fish. Five thousand men, besides women and children, were satisfied
and twelve baskets, one for each disciple to hold, were collected after everyone was filled. Why twelve