Page 43 - Life of Christ w videos
P. 43

7.4 Let’s Practice…

                      1. What was the purpose for Jesus doing miracles in Galilee?

                      2.  Explain the method of Roman taxation and collection in Jesus’ day.

                      3.  Jesus sent his disciples out in Galilee two by two and gave them power to heal the sick and
                      cast out demons.  Why did Jesus give them this power?

               4.  Can a person commit the “unpardonable sin” today?  Explain why or why not:

               5.  Why did Jesus begin to speak in parables?

               6.  What was the disciples’ response when Jesus calmed the sea?

               7.  Describe the cities of the Decapolis.

               7.5 Let’s Personalize this Lesson…

                        Activity:    Have you ever had any storms in your life?  They may be a loss of job, a death in the
                        family, loss of personal property, health issues, etc.  Life is filled with storms, isn’t it?  But we
                        know that if Jesus Christ is with us (in our boat), we have One with us that can calm the storm.
                        He can bring peace in your life, if you trust him, in spite of your circumstances.  Describe a
                        storm in your life which you watched Jesus calm.

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