Page 38 - Life of Christ w videos
P. 38
Study Section 7: Jesus Ministers in Nazareth
7.1 Connect.
What would you think if a man walked into your church and started telling you “new
revelations” about God and what He was going to do? Many preachers do that today! They
supposedly have new revelations or dreams and want to share their revelations with you.
Most of them cannot back up their claims, and most do not prophesy accurately.
But what if that person at the front of the church said, “I am telling you what God has said!” and then to
prove it, he flies up to the ceiling, spins around, then flies back behind the pulpit. I’m sure you would
pay more attention to what he said, since his miraculous actions proved he had God’s authority, for God
is the only one who can make a man fly.
In the same sense, Jesus began performing hundreds of miracles to validate His message. He claimed to
be the Messiah, the Anointed One. Then He proved to the people that He was God by doing things only
God can do – healing sick people, cleansing lepers, raising people from the dead, walking on water,
calming the sea, and so forth. He performed thousands of miracles, demonstrating God’s love, care and
compassion on the people.
7.2 Objectives.
1. The student should be able to discuss the calling of the disciples and why Jesus selected 12 to
follow Him.
2. The student should be able to describe how Jesus saturated Galilee with His message that He
was the Messiah, the Son of God.
3. The student should be able to explain the meaning of the “unpardonable sin” and see if that sin can
be committed today.
4. The student should be able to describe Jesus’ ministry in the Decapolis cities.
7.3 Role and Impact of Miracles in Jesus’ Ministry (Mark 1:40-45, Mark 3:7-12, Luke 4:31-37
and Luke 4:40-41; John 3:2, John 5:17-22 and John 5:36)
Jesus began to perform numerous miracles, including healing literally hundreds of people who
were sick and cleansing lepers. Why did he do these things? All the miracles performed by
Jesus first validated His testimony that He was the Messiah and was sent from God. The goal
was to help people believe in Him. The signs convinced many that He was the Messiah. Yet
even with all these miraculous signs, there were some who doubted. The evidence of Jesus’
miracles did not cause everyone to believe. There were still people who rejected him, just as
they do today.