Page 10 - The Church and Education PDF Pro
P. 10

Here is a cartoon that is somewhat funny, but the problem is it is also rather truthful of the attitudes of
               church goers today.

               Later we will discuss church finances and budgeting.  We will look at the way the early New Testament
               churches focused on evangelism and discipleship and spent the majority of their income in meeting the
               needs of those in their community as well as sharing the gospel to the lost.  Church growth in the first
               century was a result of evangelism.  Church growth today seems to be about building bigger buildings
               and having big events to attract the masses.  The focus has totally shifted away from what Christ
               commanded the church to be doing to using the world’s tactics.  So let’s look at what God’s Word tells
               us about the purpose and responsibilities of the church.

               Let’s Practice…

                       1. Jews have a holiday 50 days after Pentecost.  What is it called and what is celebrated?

                       2.  What day marks the birth of the church?  Why?

               3.  What is the difference between the universal church and the local church?

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