Page 66 - The Church and Education PDF Pro
P. 66
Children need to become followers of God (Eph. 5:1). In doing so, they learn to imitate both His nature
and His works. We want our children to become holy, as God is holy (I Peter 1:16) and be filled with the
fruit of the Holy Spirit (Gal 5:22-23). In doing so, they become saturated with God’s desire to serve
others. Jesus came to earth not to be served, but to serve others (Phil 2). The content of Christian
education must include the central concept of servant hood. God placed us on earth not to be self-
absorbed, but to be a blessing to others. Children must learn that they are not the central focus of the
universe, that God is, and that His focus is on the needs of others.
The content of Christian education must be to conform redeemed students into the image of God in
Christ. The process involves time and the application of various teaching methods.
Let’s Practice…
1. What passage of Scripture in the Old Testament lays the foundation for Christian Education
and passing on godliness to each generation?
2. Between government, the church, and the home, who is primarily responsible for the
Christian education of children?
3. In the Bible, there are two primary institutions that God created to be involved in education. What
are they?
4. What is the role of the home and what is the role of the church in Christian education?
5. What is the central content of Christian education?
6. Why is the nature of man so important to understand in the process of education?
7. The Bible is our educational grid. What does that mean?
8. What is the ultimate goal in the content of Christian education with students?