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Chapter 14:  The Methods of Teaching Christian Education


                       We are all called to teach others the ways of God.  If you are a parent, you have a direct calling
                       from God to pass on your faith to your children.  If you are a part of a church, you also will be
                       involved in teaching others or making disciples.  That’s what Jesus commanded us to do in
                       Matthew 28!  So it would be important, since we all are teachers in one way or another, to learn
                       some important methods to best accomplish this task.  Today, we are going to look at Jesus, the
               Master Teacher, and observe how he taught those around Him.  If we copy what He did, we can’t go

               The Methods of Teaching Christian Education

                        How we teach content to a student involves various teaching methods.  A method is, of
                        course, a means to an end, not the end itself.  Methods are chosen based on how God has
                        made people and how people best learn.  Christ, the Master Teacher, used an amazing variety
                        of methods to instruct his disciples and the greater populous.  “In the Old Testament God
                        taught man through a diversity of means. In the Garden of Eden, He used a tree to teach
                        Adam. Since the Flood He has used a rainbow to inform the world that He will not again
               destroy the earth by water.  The entire tabernacle was a prophetic object lesson, setting forth the
               person and work of His Son, Jesus Christ.”

               Jesus’ Methods in Teaching

               Jesus employed three major methods in his teaching style.  Let’s look at them and see why they were his
               primary methods utilized.

               10  The Christian Philosophy of Education, bjupress, from Handbook of Christian Education.

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