Page 45 - History of Christianity II- Textbook
P. 45

the “enemies” of the Revolution.   In 1794, The National Committee removed Robespierre from his
               powerful position.   After his demise from power, he received the just do of his terrorist acts by losing
               his own head at the guillotine.

               About 2,639 people were guillotined in Paris, most of them over nine months between 1793 and 1794.
               Over 50,000 people were shot or died of sickness in prisons.   Just 10 years after the Revolution,
               Napoleon grabbed power of the country and they returned to a dictatorship (monarchy) leadership.

                           The Bible says in Galatians 6:7, “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a
                           man soweth, that shall he also reap.”   History validates this promise from God over and
                           over again.  Robespierre personally experience this truth as he initiated the Reign of
                           Terror, condemning thousand to die at the guillotine in just one year.  But God made sure
               that as he sowed, he reaped.  He was condemned to die in the same manner he deals out punishment.
               God’s justice was true.  Do you realize that God honors obedience and will bring blessings to the
               obedient?  But God also will bring about justice on those who refuse to obey.  Are you walking in
               obedience?  If not, just remember that there is a consequence coming and you will reap what you sow.

               8.4 Let’s Practice…
                        1. Describe the tenets of the Enlightenment:

                        2.  According to Kant, where did knowledge come from?
                        3.  What did Kant think about knowing God?

                        4.  Explain Kant’s categorical imperative:
               5.  What did the Puritans believe?

               6.  Why do we owe a debt to the Puritans?
               7.  Who were the two greatest preachers of the Second Great Awakening?

               8.  What were the major differences between the American Revolution and the French
               9.  Upon what philosophy was the French Revolution based?

               8.5 Let’s Personalize this Lesson…
                        Activity:  Proverbs 3: 5-6 give us an answer to the Age of Reason:
                         [5] Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. [6]
                        In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

                        The age of Enlightenment told people to trust in their own ability to reason.  God tells us to
               not rely on our own abilities and reason; rather we are to acknowledge God as our source of knowledge
               and direction, and God promises to guide our future path.  Take time to thank God that He can give you
               guidance and direction for EVERY decision that you must make and that HE will guide you toward His
               perfect plan and will.

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