Page 50 - History of Christianity II- Textbook
P. 50

Marx also became interested in the development of history and the changes which inevitably passed
               through society. He termed this idea – historical materialism. Marx increasingly began to believe that a
               Proletarian (Communist revolution) was not just desirable, but, an inevitable consequence of historical

               This period led up to Marx and Engel’s most famous work – A short pamphlet titled ‘ The Communist
               Unlike the majority of Marx’s work, this Manifesto was short, to the point and included fiery,
               inspirational language, designed to awaken the desire for revolution.

               After the revolutions which swept Europe in 1848, Marx increasingly found himself under suspicion and
               scrutiny from French and Belgian authorities. He decided to flee to London and continue his work from

               In London, Marx became more involved with the burgeoning Communist Movement. He was influential
               in the First Congress of the international, where he sought to argue against the anarchist wing led by
               Mikhail Bakunin.

               Another influential event was the Paris Commune uprising of 1871, though defeated after two months.
               Marx enthusiastically supported this as being a forerunner of future Communist revolutions.

               Marx spent considerable time in the British Library researching political economy. This led to his deepest
               work – Das Capital – a dense and thorough examination of Capitalist society and economy.

               Marx also sought to examine all aspects of life from his new Marxist analysis. For example, he sought to
               show religion was merely a tool of Capitalist society to keep the workers under the thumb.

               Following the death of his beloved wife, Jenny, in 1881, Marx’s health deteriorated and died from
               Bronchitis and Pleurisy in 1883. He was buried at Highgate cemetery London.

                            How many people can one man’s ideas influence?  Ever thought about that question?
                            How many people could come to Christ if you are faithful and obedient to your calling to
                            be a witness to the ends of the earth?
                            Karl Marx was the father of Communism.  His ideas are the major doctrines of
               communism and socialism which have shaped the course of modern history.  Entire countries have
               believed his ideas.  As a result, wars have been fought over his ideologies.   Here are some startling
               facts:  65 million were killed in China, 30 million in the Soviet Union, 25% of the population of
               Cambodia (2 million), and in Africa, 1.7 million have died.  In fact, from 1917 to 2017, more than 100
               million (that’s 100,000,000 people) have been killed as a result of Communism.  Ideas have
               consequences and can shape lives for eternity!

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