Page 28 - The Importance of Prayer Student Textbook
P. 28
When you pray that His kingdom come you are planting a seed. God will allow these seeds to germinate
and the blade appears, then the ear, after that the full corn in the ear. (Mark 4:28) The Kingdom coming
to earth is, in part, a choice. Your choice!
Lord, Teach Us to Pray – Paul Washer
4.4 Let’s Practice!
1. What are Matthews two probations?
2. What is a prayer closet?
3. The Lord’s Prayer is simply a _____________to be followed?
4. Is our Father a common address?
5. You see the use of plural pronouns used in the Lord’s Prayer. What does this teach us?
6. Write down from memory Proverbs 18:10:
7. When we pray hallowed be thy name it teaches us that God’s name is __________?
8. What does manifest presence mean?
9. Explain the difference between necessary and free will of God?
10. Can you find and explain the secret and revealed will of God in scriptures?
11. Explain praying the prayer, if it be thy will?