Page 36 - The Importance of Prayer Student Textbook
P. 36
Him who has set us free from all condemnation. I will say more on this subject when I deal with spiritual
Next we come to the closing doxology of this prayer. How will our Lord bring this marvelous prayer to a
close? He does it by 1 bringing us back to the beginning; for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and
the glory, forever. Amen. He brings us back to remind us that He does not rule by the consent of His
subjects, but by His sovereign authority. As he closes this prayer, He is reminding us that we are to
acknowledge that “the kingdom” is His. Thank God that He is a just and merciful king, but the kingdom is
not my kingdom or your kingdom, but His kingdom. He reigns supremely over all things and His kingdom
shall have no end. (Luke 1:33)
Next He calls us to fully recognize that all power is His. Remember how I began our lessons by reminding
you that prayer is an invasion of God’s omnipotence. Jeremiah 32:27 God ask; I am the LORD, the God of
all the peoples of the world. Is anything too hard for me? In Matthew 28:18 He tells us all power is given
unto Him in heaven and earth. At times He would demonstrate that power by walking on the water
which defied the law of gravity. At other times he would use his creative power and multiply loaves of
bread and baskets of fish. Above all he defied death and rose from the dead. 2 Timothy 1:10 words it
this way; now has been manifested through the appearing of our Savior Christ Jesus, who abolished
death and brought life and immortality to light through the gospel. Therefore, we can run to verses like
Psalm 50:15 and call upon Him in the day of trouble. He promises, I will deliver thee, and thou shalt
glorify me.
No matter how disciplined a preacher may be in the preparation of his sermons, no matter how learned
he may be, no matter how much knowledge he brings to the pulpit, no matter how eloquent and
persuasive he is, without the accompanying power of God the Holy Spirit, his sermons will be impotent.
Pastors who preach with power are acutely conscious of this fact! Be careful about looking for power in
education, programs, and methodologies as there is only two places to find life changing power. The
first is in Him and the second is in His Word. Jeremiah 32:29 Is not my word like fire, declares the LORD,
and like a hammer that breaks the rock in pieces? As we pray that God would fill us with the power of
His Spirit, (Ephesians 4:18) and mold our lives with His purifying word our world will be changed for His
For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen. Notice the last part of Psalm
50:15, and thou shall glorify me. Notice the last thing we are to declare; for thine is the kingdom, and
the power, and the glory, forever. Amen. When you pray, “Thine is the glory” you recognize that God
must get credit for all our answers to prayer, all we are, all we have and all we do. Because you pray,
“Thine is the glory” you confess that any answers you receive will not be because of your intercessory
ability or because there is anything good in you. Romans 11:36 says, For everything comes from him and
exists by his power and is intended for his glory. All glory to him forever! Amen. Notice that both
Matthew 6:12 and Romans 11:36 both end with Amen, which simply means, so be it or so let it stand.
Oh, God let us realize again this world is not our home we are just passing through. Our treasures are
laid up somewhere beyond the blue. The angles beacon us from heavens open door and we cannot feel
at home in this world anymore. We long for your kingdom to come! And as we focus on our new home,
we are so reminded that it is not by might, nor by our own power, but by the Holy Spirits power that
anything significant is accomplished. And yes, we will be quick to give you glory and praise for all you
have done. Amen!