Page 40 - The Importance of Prayer Student Textbook
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during their exile in Babylon. The Bible makes this clear just a few sentences earlier in verse 4.
Moreover, it wasn’t even God’s promise for Israel for that very day, but for the future, after “seventy
years” of exile (verse 10). Yikes! Similarly, when it comes to our lives today, it is possible that God might
actually be against a person for a time. So be very careful in viewing prayer as a spiritual weapon God
has given to you to declare and decree over people during trials. Also remember that spiritual warfare is
allowed in order to bring us into a deeper relationship with the father, to accomplish His will, for His
Does spiritual warfare occur today? Absolutely! Paul confirmed this truth in
Ephesians 6:12. Peter further admonished, be self-controlled and alert. Your
enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to
devour. (I Peter 5:8) Many other scriptures bear witness to the fact that the
battle continues. However, Revelation 12:7-12 records two significant truths
that make this war unlike any other. The first truth is that Satan is already
defeated. (Revelation 12:7-8, 20:10, Colossians 2:15) Since the war has
already been won, Christians do not fight with uncertainty. We cannot follow
God and ultimately loose. The outcome in not determined by what we do. The
second truth is that this war will continue earth until the end. (Revelation
If this war will continue until the end, then who is in control? What is the
relationship between God’s sovereignty and Satan’s freedom? What you
believe about each players role will determine your positions on various topics
and issues related to warfare. If you believe that Satan is completely free to
attack at will, then you will expect constant attacks with no greater purpose than Satan’s attempts to
hinder the will of God and personally destroy you. This belief will impact how you likely would pray for
the attack to cease. On the other hand, if you believe God is sovereign, then you will assume that Satan
had to first obtain permission, and God has a greater purpose in mind for the warfare. Your response
would be to pray that God would show you His purpose for the attack. Therefore, getting the answer
right to this question is critical to develop a proper understanding and response to spiritual warfare.
Read the conversation between God and Satan in Job 1:6-12, 2:1-6. What do you conclude about the
relationship between God’s sovereignty and Satan’s freedom? (circle one)
Satan is free to do whatever he wants to God’s children when he wants to do it.
God’s sovereignty means Satan must obtain permission before he can act in the life of a
The Implications of a Sovereign God
God has a greater purpose in spiritual warfare.
The focus would be on God, not Satan, during the attack.
The confidence for victory depends on God, not on my performance.
The standard of evaluating success depend on whether God accomplishes His purposes through my life.