Page 76 - Old Testament Survey Student Textbook
P. 76

The Book of Song of Solomon

               9.4 Let’s Practice…

                          1.  What is Hebrew Parallelism?

                          2-4.   Give three purposes of “figures of speech” in the poetic books?

                          5.  What chapters in the Psalms are called the prologue chapters?

               6.  Proverbs is also referred as the book of                            .

               7.  What is the main theological significance of Ecclesiastes?

               8. What is the main theme of Song of Solomon?

               9.5 Let’s personalize this lesson…
                      The Poetic books give us a glimpse of spiritual emotions of the hearts of God’s people who were
                      seeking his face in the good times and bad times. How do you plan to find time to worship and
                      praise God in the good times and bad times?   The Peotic books also give us wisdom in making
                      wise choices and prioritizing God above all else.  Is God your priority? How do show in your daily
                      walk with the Lord that he priority?  Have you tried to advise and encouraged people in your
               community who do not put God first that in their lives to prioritize God above all else?

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