Page 46 - Youth Discipleship Student Textbook
P. 46

Section 8:  Jesus’s Pattern for Discipleship

                              8.1 Connect

                           Some teachers in the past really stand out.  I’m sure you have had some great ones!  You
                           just wanted to work a bit harder for them to make them proud of you.  Those teachers that
                           I recall encouraged me to excel in my interests.  They bring back fond memories.  I am what
                           I am today because of many of them and I am truly thankful for their love and sacrifice.

               But the greatest teacher of all times was Jesus Christ.  He was masterful in every way.  Read the Gospels
               and watch Him teach others.  In fact, it is recorded that He taught much more than He preached.  He
               taught large groups of people and of course, His disciples.  But He took the time to even teach just one
               person.  He was available to anyone who wanted to learn.

               He is still available to us.  Some of His lessons are recorded in the pages of Scripture.  We can go there
               and analyze His style and methods to see how He masterfully used them to bring his hearers to
               understand spiritual truth.  It is an exciting journey.  Let’s get started.

               8.2 Objectives

                         1.  The student should be able to explain why, to be a effective teacher, you must immerse
                         yourself in a study of God’s Word daily.

                         2.  The student should be able to describe the 8 characteristics of Jesus’ teaching that made
                         Him unique among teachers.

               8.3 How did Jesus do discipleship?

                         The first thing Jesus did when He began his ministry at age 30 was to select 12 men to
                         become His disciples.  Of course, Jesus was God, so He knew the hearts of the men He
                         selected.  I’m sure He looked into their hearts to see their willingness to follow and obey Him.
                         Once he selected them, He poured Himself into them.  He taught them as much as possible in
                         preparation for His departure.

               Scripture gives us only a glimpse of what He taught them.  They were together day and night.  They
               walked the roads between Galilee and Jerusalem at least three times, maybe four.  These journeys took
               several days.  I’m sure He talked with them all along the way.  His disciples became like His own children.

               Deuteronomy 6 gives us a glimpse into what true discipleship is:

                7  You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you
                  sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and
                 when you rise.  You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as
                frontlets between your eyes.  You shall write them on the doorposts of your house
                                                    and on your gates.

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