Page 41 - Youth Discipleship Student Textbook
P. 41

Question:  How does the youth room environment and activities of the youth ministry reflect the truths
               of this key verse?

               7.  The effectiveness of the youth ministry is based on how many students in the ministry become
               yielded to Christ and seek to do His will in their lives.  Our goal is to see this happen in as many
               students as possible, but accept the fact that not many will decide to take this path, especially if their
               parents have chosen a contrary path.    Grow the CORE group by adding students who apply Romans 1
               to their lives.

               Some Ideas or suggestions:

               1.  You need a ratio of 1:12 youth to adult leaders working in the youth ministry.  That means you need
               to recruit leadership that has these values:
                       A.  They are committed to the Philosophy of Youth Ministry
                       B.  They are spiritually walking with Christ daily and demonstrate faithfulness in their
                       lives.  They stand as an example of a Christian before the students.
                       C.  They love students and enjoy involvement in their lives.
                       D.  They have a positive attitude in what they attempt to do.
                       E.  They are responsible and are willing to shoulder the load of operating the ministry; faithful.

               2.  You need one person who has the gift of teaching and who can guide the students in their study of
               God’s Word.  That could be the Pastor of Youth.

               3.  Ideas for evangelistic events.  In each theme event the students dress up according to the period.  If
               you want to grow, entrance to the event is by bringing a friend who has never come to youth group
               before.  If you make this as a requirement, make sure the event is enticing enough to motivate the
               students to invite a friend.

               Here are some examples of events that may give you some ideas:

                       1.  Theme events around the various historical periods of your country (In the US, Revolutionary
                              War, Civil War, 1890’s, 1920’s, Depression, WW II, 1950’s, space exploration, etc.).
                       2.  Theme events around various holidays.  Teach student the reason for the holiday.  Have fun
                              games and skits to emphasize the holiday theme.
                       3.  Sporting Events (Frisbee golf, Frisbee Football, Miniature Golf, Go carting, etc.)
                       4.  Back packing, hiking or camping events.
                       5.  Banquet to honor students who accomplish goals within the ministry.
                       6.  Competition – divide the youth group into teams and have them compete for the best skit.
                              Use those same teams to compete in Bible drills.  Give them a passage of Scripture to
                              study ahead of time, then give a question, and first team to ring the bell and who
                              answers correctly will win points.  Winning team gets some sort of prize.

               Have your leadership team brainstorm to come up with other events and activities that would appeal to
               the students, making sure they fall within the Philosophy of Youth Ministry.

               Do not create superfluous events that have no connection to your Philosophy of Ministry.  With each
               idea, support it within your Philosophy of Ministry or don’t do it.

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