Page 38 - Youth Discipleship Student Textbook
P. 38

Study Section 7:  Building a Youth Ministry

               7.1 Connect

                           When you become a Youth Pastor, you don’t just walk into the church, set up an office, and
                           start a ministry to the youth in the church.  To be an effective youth pastor, you need to
                           plan and study God’s Word, and prepare yourself for such a ministry.  If you don’t prepare,
                           you will sadly fail.

               Today we are going to give you some ideas about how to build a successful youth ministry that will
               change lives for all eternity.  We will start with creating a philosophy of youth ministry.  This is a pre-
               thought-out plan for how God wants you to plan and operate the ministry.  Then we will learn how you
               can implement this philosophy of ministry in practical and real ways within the church ministry.  Ready
               to learn?

               7.2 Objectives

                      1.  The student should be able to define what a philosophy of youth ministry is.

                      2.  The student should be able to explain what components are necessary for a well-developed
                      philosophy of youth ministry.

               3.  The student should be able to explain the steps necessary to start a youth ministry.

               7.3 Start with a Philosophy of Youth Ministry

                         A church’s youth ministry is built upon the leadership’s philosophy of Youth Ministry.  This
                         philosophy should be the guide for everything that is attempted within the scope of the
                         ministry.  Since this is the foundation of the ministry, it is important to develop a clear thesis
                         based on the Word of God.

                         Philosophy of Youth Ministry

               1.  A church youth ministry is a two-fold ministry of 1) evangelism and 2) discipleship.  The ministry will
               not grow without evangelism.  The discipleship aspect of the program is only with the students who are
               saved and have spiritual life.  Both aspects are essential in an effective youth ministry.

               Matthew 28: 19-20 Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them inthe name of the

               Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,  teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.
               And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.

               2.  The Bible is the foundation and source of all truth and the study of it must be an integral part of the
               ministry.  Students at the ages of 12-14 (Junior High) and 15-18 (Senior High) have different needs, but

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