Page 36 - Youth Discipleship Student Textbook
P. 36

15. Not Resentful (2 Tim 2:24)

               If the Christian leader goes about piling up statistics against people he suspects have wronged him, he is
               going to become a bitter, disillusioned man of questionable value to the kingdom.

               16. Having Believing Children (Titus 1:6)

               The crowning success of every ministry is for the youth pastor’s children to grow up to know, to love,
               and to live for Jesus. Yet salvation is by individual choice. No matter how we live our lives before our
               children, there is no guarantee that they will make that choice. Believing parents should share the
               Gospel to their children.

               17. Not Self-Willed (Titus 1:7)

               What we are urged to avoid in this passage is being selfish and arrogant in the choices we make.

               The person who is continually concerned about his satisfaction, the accomplishment of his goals, the
               forwarding of his career is not a servant.

               18. Not Quick-Tempered (Titus 1:7)

               Oftentimes, a person can trace times of anger to periods where he is excessively tired,
               hungry, or sleep deprived. A person who is quick-tempered all of the time probably
               needs to see a counselor and stay out of the youth pastorate until he can resolve his

               19. A lover of What is Good (Titus 1:8)

               When we love something, we devote time and energy to it.

               Those who are to serve Jesus in the youth pastoral ministry are those who already have proved
               themselves to be pursuers of good.

               20. Just, devout and self-controlled (Titus 1:8)

               Paul here lists both the disqualifications and qualification for leadership. The two lists reveal that youth
               pastors must be upright, self-controlled and not guilty of pride, anger and greed. Their self-control will
               mean that they will not fall into sexual sin. They must also have the strength of character to hold to the
               trustworthy message.

               Clearly advanced age is not an important criterion when choosing church leaders. Yet in certain African
               cultures elderly people are automatically given authority no matter how they live. Paul stresses that it is
               impossible to separate doctrine from lifestyle and that blameless behavior gives credibility to the
               teaching of an youth pastor.

               A youth pastor is to be found innocent, holy, and righteous in his character and actions.

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