Page 32 - Youth Discipleship Student Textbook
P. 32

4. Hospitable / Prudent (1 Tim. 3:2, Titus 1:8)

               According to Thabiti. M. Anyabwile in his book entitled “Finding faithful Elders and Deacons” gives the
               following reasons for upholding the above quality.

               First, hospitality expresses love. God calls Christians to love one another (John. 13:34-35) and their
               enemies (Matt. 5:43-47). Hospitality gives practical form or meaning to that kind of love.

               Second, hospitality expresses care for strangers. How can it be known that we are caring for the
               strangers in our boundaries according to Lev. 19:33-34? One measure might be how close we get to
               them and allow them to get to us. Hospitality brings us close in a meaningful Christian manner; it
               establishes intimacy in relationships and reflects the love of Christ to strangers.

               Third, hospitality enables evangelism; perhaps the failure to be hospitable by the Church explains why
               so many Churches have less membership.

               We cannot share the gospel with a person we fail to greet or speak to a person with whom we refuse to
               spend time.

               Fourth, hospitality enables discipleship and fellowship. The early church devoted itself to breaking of
               bread and fellowship Acts 2:42-47). For those early believers such hospitality was connected to the
               sharing of the word of God. It enhanced the ability to devote to the apostle’s teaching.

               Therefore; modeling hospitality is essential to the Christian life because through it, we share the things
               we value most: family, home, financial resources, food, privacy, time and generally our own lives (Rom.
               12:13; 1 Pet. 4:8-9).

               The Greek word here means to be a “lover of guests.” Their home should be a tool for ministry to

               In an African context, visitors become very sensitive in the manner they are received. We embrace a
               culture void of appointments as families or strangers can show up anytime. The host should avoid upon
               receiving any guest, talking about the financial challenges being experienced and asking the guest when
               they intend to leave and anything related to food. Sometimes even unnecessary biting of children can be
               a recipe of sending wrong messages to them.

               This can be considered as a way of telling them that they are not welcome, and whose response could
               lead either to shortening their stay or withdrawing from partaking of meals.

               5. Respectable (1 Tim. 3:2)

               The KJV translates this as “of good behavior.” The emphasis is conducting oneself properly.

               It is sad when the people of a congregation are continually being embarrassed by the speech actions of
               their youth pastor. A youth pastor must be respectable in not only his speech and actions but dress as
               well. Etiquette is important.

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