Page 34 - Youth Discipleship Student Textbook
P. 34

If we could get to the bottom of a majority of the church splits and incidents that resulted in youth
               pastors being asked to leave churches, we would probably find that the root cause was not a theological
               disagreement at all but was a case of people who just could not or who chose not to get along with each
               other. In many of those instances we could trace the difficulty to a youth pastor with a fiery spirit who
               did not control his temper.

               9. Gentle (1 Tim. 3:3, 2 Tim. 2:24)

               How many unfortunate incidents in the church could be avoided if Christians could learn to be
               gentlemen and gentlewomen?

               Some youth pastors have all the finesse of a steam roller pushing their way through obstacles, injuring
               the saints as they attempt to make changes in the church.

               The world is hungry for someone who is genuinely kind and gentle.

               10. Uncontentious (1 Tim. 3:3; 2 Tim 2:24)

               These are people who glory in a good argument.

               “A man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still.”

               11. Free from the Love of Money (1 Tim. 3:3; Titus 1:7)

               If you know that God has genuinely called you to a particular
               group of people, God will faithfully meet your needs.

               Personal note . . . “I’ve never lived lavishly but God has
               consistently supplied more than my needs.” Rod Elliott

               12. Managing His Own Household Well (1 Tim. 3:4)

               The word of Scripture reads, “Keeping his children under control with all dignity.” The statement
               presupposes an understanding relationship between father and his children. It requires that he be
               consistent in his discipline and true to his word.

               A youth pastor should be a model of loving discipline. He should love his children more than his job, be
               extravagant in his expressions of love for and praise to them and treat them as genuine human beings
               capable of profound thoughts that can contribute to this life. Families with continuously uncontrollable
               children are not suitable model for a congregation. Unless parents can manage the art of parenting, they
               should not engage in the youth pastoral ministry.

               Here Paul warns against men who could be too preoccupied with the affairs of the church and too little
               occupied with what is going on within their households (1Sam.1-2).

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