Page 26 - Heros of the Faith - Textbook w videos short
P. 26

3.4 Let’s Practice…

                      1. What did Thomas Aquinas write about the relationship between reason and revelation?

                      2.  Martin Luther protested against the church selling indulgences.  What are they and why did he
                      protest such practices?

                      3.  At the Diet of Worms, Martin Luther refused to recant his writings.  In his famous speech, what
            was the basis of his beliefs?

            4.  Martin Luther was the father of the Protestant Reformation.  Why was it called the Protestant Reformation?

            5.  How many languages could William Tyndale speak and what other Biblical languages did he master?

            6.  What was Tyndale’s passion?

            7.  What was the consequence for Tyndale that he paid for translating the Bible into English?

            3.5 Let’s Personalize this Lesson…

                       Imagine you have been condemned to die as Tyndale was.  It is the night before you are to be
                       burned at the stake.  What would you pray about or be thinking about before your execution?

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