Page 29 - Heros of the Faith - Textbook w videos short
P. 29

become famous the world over, having been translated into no less than one hundred and twenty languages
            and dialects.

            Dr. Arnold of Rugby, writing to Mr. Justice Coleridge in 1836, said 'l have left off reading our divines, but if I
            could find a great man among them, I would read him thankfully and earnestly.  As it is, I hold John Bunyan to
            have been a man of in comparatively greater genius than any of them, and to have given a far truer and more
            edifying picture of Christianity.  His "Pilgrim's Progress" seems to be a complete reflection of Scripture.'

            Bunyan died in 1688 at the house of Mr. Strudwick, a grocer, at the sign of the 'Star' on Snow Hill, London, and
            was buried in Bunhill Fields.

            Copied for from Popular Hymns and Their Writers by Norman Mable. 2nd ed. London:
            Independent Press, Ltd., 1951.

                   Did you know that John Bunyan could have walked out of the Bedford jail at anytime during the 12
                   years of his imprisonment?  All he had to do is be willing to NOT hold unlawful meetings and accept
                   the permit to preach.  But he believed that God was the one who called him to preach, not the state.
            He stood on his convictions!  How about you?  Do you stand for what is right?

                               Pilgram’s Progress – Full Movie

            Jonathan Edwards   1703-1758


            "[I wish] to lie low before God, as in the dust; that I might be nothing, and that God
            might be all, that I might become as a little child."

            At age 14, Jonathan Edwards, already a student at Yale, read philosopher John
            Locke with more delight "than the greediest miser finds when gathering up handfuls

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