Page 11 - Pastoral Ministries -Student Textbook
P. 11
10. True or False The pastor who is continually concerned about his satisfaction, the accomplishment of his
goals, the forwarding of his career in building the kingdom of God is a motivated servant of God.
1.5 Let’s Personalize this Lesson…
Activity: What are your strengths and weaknesses? Look over each of the qualifications for being a
pastor and give yourself a 1 for improvement needed and a 10 if you are totally qualified. There are
twenty qualifications, so if you are 100% qualified, you could have as many as 200 points. Not too
many pastors can say that! After you evaluate yourself, add up your score. Also, some of the
qualifications are “make it or break it” qualifications. Either you give yourself a 1 or 10…there is no in
between. Based on your personal qualification assessment, commit to God in prayer the needs for
improvement and commit to him your calling. If, however, you find yourself unqualified for the pastorate,
consider another calling to serve the Lord.