Page 16 - Pastoral Ministries -Student Textbook
P. 16

One-volume commentaries though serving as quick resources, cannot because of their size, begin to explore
            subjects to any degree of depth.

            3. Background Information books

            These books are survey books, Bible history books, and books that give information concerning Bible times and

            4. Theological books

            By the time a person becomes a pastor, more than likely he has one or two of these books. Many of the people
            in our churches are theologically illiterate. The pastor therefore is the resident theologian. These books will be
            invaluable to him throughout his ministry.

            5. Biographies and Devotional books

            As well as providing an excellent source of sermon illustrations, biographies and devotional books often serve as
            a source of great comfort, encouragement, and incentive for the pastor.

            6. Church History

            This is one of the most neglected areas in the church today. Christians do not know who they are because they
            have never discovered their roots. From reading these books, we also discover that no heresy facing the church
            today is new.

            7. Christian Education

            A good knowledge of how to conduct an effective program of Christian education is not a peripheral matter – it
            is survival information. Concise, practical books that discuss organization and teaching methodology may be the
            most valuable books a pastor possesses.

            8. Missions

            These books encompass the sum total of the outreach ministry of the Church – locally and abroad – and is vital.
            An increasing number of these books speak to those issues and put them in the proper perspective.

            9. Administration

            Few people studying for the ministry envision the vast amount of time they will spend in administrative tasks.
            Although the potential pastor may never envision himself as an administrator, it is good for him to know what
            must be done and how to do it.

            10. Music

            It is a good assumption that no other gift of God has been so abused and misused within the
            church as music. The pastor needs to know how to use music properly in the various
            functions of the church. There are valuable books on the subject of hymnology.

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