Page 21 - Pastoral Ministries -Student Textbook
P. 21
A) Church History
1. Pentecost and the beginnings of the church
2. Major councils – Trent, Nicea
3. The Reformation
4. The formation of major denominations
5. Recent historical developments
B) Denominational History
1. Where did the particular group he is part of originate
2. What has characterized its development?
3. In what ways is it distinctive?
4. What is its history and position in regard to missions?
C) Bible
1. Inspiration and revelation
2. Books of the Bible
3. Structure of the Bible
4. Bible writers
5. Canonicity
6. Biblical use (the candidate should be able to locate references that outline):
a. the plan of salvation
b. Answers to controversial theological issues
c. Answers to practical problems faced today in the church
D) God
1. Nature
2. Image
3. Predestination – election
4. Creation
5. Trinity (what are the characteristics and mission of each Person)
E) Satan and angels
1. Origin of sin
2. Powers and principalities
F) Man
1. Original creation
2. Fall
3. Depravity
4. Transmission of sin
5. Conscious punishment
6. Conscious bliss
G) Redemption
1. Substitutionary atonement
2. Effect of the blood of Jesus
3. Terms: justification, glorification, regeneration
H) Sanctification
I) Glorification
J) Eschatology
K) The Church
1. Nature
2. Government
3. Leaders
4. Congregational authority