Page 23 - Pastoral Ministries -Student Textbook
P. 23
a. Keep a record of all proceedings
b. Attach the list of delegates from the sign-up sheet
c. Attach a copy of the official action of the church
d. Prepare a typed copy of minutes (only the flow of activities and motions)
e. Provide a copy of the formal record to the candidate, church, denomination
9. Introduction of candidate
10. Prayer for candidate
11. Sermon by the candidate; or highlights of his doctrinal statement
12. Examination of the candidate
13. Motion to close the question period
14. Dismissal of the candidate and all guests
15. Decision of the council
16. Decision of the council presented to the candidate
17. Motion to dissolve the council
18. Prayer of dismissal
Examination for Ordination
The most important segment of the occasion will be the examination of the candidate. Usually the procedure is
similar to the following:
1. The candidate gives a personal testimony. This should include his
conversion and his walk with the Lord.
2. The candidate should share his call.
3. The candidate is questioned concerning his doctrinal position, philosophy
of ministry, and any other theological or practical questions the council feels are
Elements Contained in a Typical Service of Ordination
Besides the use of music, the ordination service often will contain the following elements:
• Report of the ordination council
• Scripture
• Ordination sermon
• Charge to the church
• Charge to the candidate
• Ordination prayer
• Welcome to the ministry
• Presentation of certificate
• Benediction by the newly-ordained minister
Typically, the candidate for ordination selects the preacher for the ordination sermon. All ordained ministers
present and the officers of the ordaining church lay hands on the candidate as he kneels for the ordination