Page 60 - Pastoral Ministries -Student Textbook
P. 60

            In Africa, prayer is considered very important.  In Africa, the churches have times of fasting and overnight prayer
            where they pray the entire night rather than sleep.  In the West, they used to have Wednesday night prayer
            meetings, but over the years that has changed to Bible studies.  The Western church has minimized the
            importance of prayer and practice it sparingly.

            The Western church is extremely generous.  As God has materially blessed the West, they are equally willing to
            share in those blessings with others in needs.  The African people have been the recipient of many of these
            blessings.  The African church is struggling with what is commonly called the “perpetual dependence syndrome.”
            Because they have been used to receiving rather than giving, the African churches struggle with sharing what
            they have with others; they would rather keep to themselves than find the joy in sharing with those in need.
            That makes it a struggle to pastor a church, especially in urban areas.

            True worship is God centered worship. People tend to get caught up in where they should worship, what music
            they should sing in worship and how their worship looks to other people. Focusing on these things misses the

            Jesus tells us that true worshipers will worship God in spirit and in truth (John4:24). This means we should
            worship from the heart and the way God has designed. Worship is both praying, reading God’s word with an
            open heart, singing, participating in communion and serving others.

            True worship is not confined to what we do in church or open praise; it is acknowledgement of God and all His
            power and glory in everything we do. According to the bible true worship is not based on church activities or
            anything which may seem to be more holy but something which can give glory to God (Rom 12:1-2).

            8.4 Let’s Practice…

                       1 – 7.  List the seven major duties of the pastor:

                       8.  Why is pastoral visitation important?

            9.  List a major caution a pastor must be aware of when going on visitation:

            10.  Sunday morning is a time of                                       .

            11.  What three portions should a Sunday worship service be divided in?

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