Page 62 - Pastoral Ministries -Student Textbook
P. 62

Study Section 9:  Pastoral Tasks - continued

            91 Connect

                      There are certain events in the year that are truly special.  For example, Easter and Christmas are
                      special times in the year where family and friends gather to celebrate the coming or redemption
                      found in Christ Jesus.  For the Christian, these days are very special.

                      It is wise to use special events to build a spirit of expectancy in a church. Such a spirit is desirable
                      because human beings are so constituted that often half of the fun of a given event is the
            anticipation leading up to the event. Although the pastor should avoid planning so many special occasions that
            members of the congregation are inundated with church activities, a wise pastor is aware that there is a
            psychological advantage to planning enough special events to make people feel they are part of a local body
            where important and enjoyable things are happening.

            9.2 Objectives

                    1.  The student will be able to suggest ways to plan for Easter, Christmas, and New Years and how to
                    incorporate seasonal ideas into the worship service.

                    2. The student should be able to explain the purpose for the two major ordinances of the church.

            3.  The student should be able to share how to perform both baptism and the Lord’s Supper.

            9.3 Special Events

                        Planning Intelligently

                        The judicious planner keeps many things in mind. First, he plans around the activities of the
                        surrounding community. Second, the wise planner will capitalize on seasonal opportunities.

                        Seasonal Activities


               Easter can be a focal point for such part of the season. Even though every Sunday
               is a celebration of the resurrection day, the Easter season should be used to bring
               the Blessed Hope of the church into focus. In order to highlight Easter day
               properly, the church must emphasize the events leading up to it, focusing
               especially on the tremendous sacrifice the Lord made on the cross for our salvation. In order for the church
               to cover enough information depicting death, burial and resurrection of Christ should at least consider a
               month before commemoration of the resurrection Sunday. For centuries the church did that in a period of
               the church year called Lent.

                During this season, Christians were encouraged to give up something in order to help them remember what
               the Lord gave up for them. Since the earliest days of the church, Lent has drawn attention to the events
               leading up to the cross.
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