Page 82 - Pastoral Ministries -Student Textbook
P. 82


                              Widows      widowers      orphans     Vulnerable     Aged

            11.4 Let’s Practice…

                      1-4.  Name the four steps in a baby dedication suggested in this lesson:

                      5.  Why are the following responses to a child coming forward in a church service inappropriate: “You
                      are too young,” or “You do not understand,” or “Wait a few more years.”

            6.  Define scripturally the widow who qualifies for church support and care:

            7.  What does Scripture say about a young widow?

            8.  How does this study suggest the church should proceed in caring for widows, widowers, and orphans?

            11.5 Let’s Personalize this Lesson…

                         Activity:  I’m sure you know some widows, widowers, or orphans within your congregation and in
                         your community.  How have you personally responded to their needs in a tangible way?

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