Page 77 - Pastoral Ministries -Student Textbook
P. 77

1. Questions to the Parents
                   1. Do you believe in Jesus as your Lord and Savior?
                   2. Do you desire to change your life as you are led by God’s Spirit and by His
                   Word, that you might be a fitting example to your children?
                   3. Do you plan to instruct your child in the teachings of Jesus, reading the Word
                   of God to him/her regularly, praying with your child and for your child?
                   4. Will you make every effort to rely upon the grace of God and his guidance as
                    you bring up your child?

               2. Dedication
                   1. At this time pray a prayer of dedication over the child. Holding the child if the
                   parents would allow or simply laying your hand on the child.

               3. Questions to the Congregation
                   Our Lord Jesus said we should all go forth and make disciples by baptizing them
               and by teaching them to observe all that Jesus commanded. Do you the people
               of this church desire:

                   1. To tell these children the Good News of Jesus?
                   2. To help them to know the commands of the Bible?
                   3. To encourage obedience to parents and to Jesus?
                   4. And by your fellowship and example, strengthen their ties with the family of
                   God in Christ Jesus?

               4. Prayer

            The Child’s Public Response at Church Services

            A good rule to go by in a child’s expressed desire to go forward in response to an invitation to accept Christ is
            this: be grateful that the heart of the child is thus moved Godward and Christ-ward and heaven-ward. Never
            interdict the response with such answers as, “You are too young,” or “You do not understand,” or “Wait a few
            more years.” Regardless of the child’s age the following will help the pastor and family ascertain if they truly
            have had a conversion experience.

            The pastoral/Church’s role towards widows/ widowers, aged and orphaned and vulnerable children
            By Lyengamuwa Wakung’oli

            Which ministry the church should it focus on between preaching the gospel and attending to the poor, widow or
            widowers’ needs?  The answer to this question is that the two do not need to be separated. Some pastors
            emphasize the preaching of the gospel and neglect the needs of the poor and vulnerable and some pastors tend
            to just focus on the vulnerable and neglect the preaching of the gospel.’  Let us look at how a church can be
            balanced so that it effectively preaches the gospel but also meets the needs of those who are destitute.

                      5  John piper sermon “Don’t waste your life” (quote paraphrased)
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