Page 125 - New Testament Survey Student Textbook
P. 125

24-26. List three key passages in 1 Peter?

               27-29. Provide three main passages in 2 Peter?

               14.5 Let’s Personalize this lesson…

                        How has suffering for Christ’s sake affected you, do you feel Christ has neglected you? How is
                        waiting for Christ affecting you, are you tired, wanting to give up? If your answers are yes, then
                        you are exactly where Peter’s recepients were at the time of writing. Do not personalize your
                        suffering, Peter says you are not the only one, there are some going through worse
                        circumstances than you, but Christ is in control. Also, Peter provides an asurance that Christ
               return is certain, He is not slow, but giving chance for others to repent just like you did. Never lose five
               minutes before the waiting is over.

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