Page 121 - New Testament Survey Student Textbook
P. 121

Overview of I Peter

               2 Peter: Living in the Power of Christ

               As Christianity grew more in influence, churches began to encounter more false teachers in their midst.
               Second Peter was written to warn about one of these groups, who were saying that Jesus would not
               return, so they could live any way they liked. Against this view, 2 Peter argues that the Day of the Lord is
               surely coming, and that believers should live in light of this truth.


               Internal evidence points to Simon Peter, an apostle of Jesus as the author of the book (2 Pet 1:1). He
               speaks of having witnessed Jesus’ transfiguration (2 Pet 1:16–18) and is familiar with Paul and his letters
               (3:15–16). Never the less, 2 Peter seems very different from 1 Peter, and thus there was some debate in
               the early church about 2 Peter’s authorship. Here some scholars say that “The attribution to Peter does
               not necessarily mean it was compiled or finalized by him; it could indicate the letter is based on Peter’s
               eyewitness account of Jesus and Peter’s teachings (likely just prior to his death).” 162  These scholars
               underscore that, “the differences between 1 Peter and 2 Peter could be due to Peter using different
               secretaries for the two letters—which is what the church father Jerome suggests (compare 1 Pet 5:12,
               which names Silvanus, also known as Silas, as Peter’s secretary for 1 Peter).” 163


                       162  Barry, J. D., et al.
                       163 Ibid
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