Page 119 - New Testament Survey Student Textbook
P. 119

               Peter Wrote his letter to exhort his readers to stand strong, repeatedly reminding them of (1) Christ’s
               example, (2) the riches of their inheritance in him, (3) and the hope of his returning again to take them
               to heaven. Peter explained how Christians should respond when they suffer because of their beliefs.

               Called the “apostle of hope,” Peter's primary message is (1) to trust the Lord, (2) live obediently no
               matter your circumstances, (3) and keep your hope fixed on God’s ultimate promise of deliverance.
               Suffering is to be expected, but it is temporary and yields great blessings for those who remain

               1 Peter is very much like many letters of his day. It includes a formal greeting (1 Pet 1:1–2) and closing
               (5:12–14) that frame the main message. Immediately after the greeting, Peter thanks God for the
               salvation and hope that He has provided (1:3–12). Peter then urges readers to be holy in everything they
               do (1:13–2:10). 159
               In the second division, Peter takes time to give practical advice about living as Christians, particularly
               when it comes to navigating authority (2:11–3:12). Peter also addresses the hardships of his readers,
               saying that they are to follow Christ’s example in endurance of suffering (3:13–4:19). The main part of
               the letter concludes by encouraging believers’ conduct to model humble obedience to Christ (5:1–11).
               This is followed by some closing remarks. 160

               •  Salutation and thanksgiving (1:1–12)
               •  Exhortation to holiness (1:13–2:10)
               •  Living as Christians in the world (2:11–3:12)
               •  Living with persecution (3:13–4:19)
               •  Appeal to elders and final greetings (5:1–14) 161

               How does 1 Peter Impact our lives?

               What might Peter mean when he says that we are “born again to a living hope through the resurrection
               of Jesus Christ from the dead?” (1 Pet 1:3). How does Christ’s resurrection give you hope—in your day-
               to-day routine and long-term outlook?

               1 Peter 1:13-25 – Peter’s exhortation to his readers to be holy informs us about how serious the author
               understood the goal of Christianity and the desire of God for our lives. This makes a lot of sense that our
               goal of being like Christ is strongly tied to being holy. Therefore, we should never be reluctant but
               continue to pursue that goal through the grace and power of the Holy Spirit.

               Peter describes believers as temporary residents or foreigners (refugees) where they live (1 Pet 1:1, 17;
               2:11). How do you relate to your cultural context? Do you blend in, stand out, go along, or step away?
               According to Peter, what is the best way for a Christ-follower to relate to the surrounding culture?

                       159  Barry, J. D., et al.
                       160  Ibid
                       161  Ibid
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