Page 117 - New Testament Survey Student Textbook
P. 117

Study Section 14: Peter’s Letters

               14.1 Connect

                       How about suffering, the term we all don’t like isn’t it? Some even teach that by the power of
                       the tongue we can declare that we don’t want to suffer and so it shall be! How I wish it was that
                       easy. Unfortunately, it’s not about your liking or disliking suffering. It is about how we deal with
                       this reality. We are not yet in heaven, neither are we already glorified. See, we are all either
                       infected or affected by sickness, we are all affected by the death of our loved ones. That aside,
                       the very fact that we are Christians, the world will hate us, and suffering is inevitable. The
               biggest question is, are you suffering for Christ sake, or for your foolishness? What should we do when
               we suffer for Christ’s sake? Peter is your good friend to answer these questions.

               14. 2 Objectives

                     1. The student shall be able to demonstrate their knowledge of the authors of Peter’s Epistles.

                     2. The student shall be able to locate when and where the books were written.

                     3. The student shall be able to name the recipients of the books.
               4. The student shall be able to describe the occasions under which the books were written.

               5. The student shall be able to describe the themes and purposes of the books.

               6. The student shall be able to explain the structures and outlines of the books.

               7. The student shall be able to demonstrate mastery of the atmospheres at the time of the writing of the
               8. The student shall be able to name the key passages in the books.

               9. The student shall be able to recite the key words in the books.

               14.3 The First Epistle of Peter: Living in Great Expectations

                        Here is what some scholars say concerning what 1Peter is about:

                               “First Peter is about maintaining hope in the midst of suffering. Because Jesus Himself
                              suffered, and because God can be trusted to put all things right, Peter counsels’
                              believers to maintain their faith in Jesus. Believers should do so even when they are
                              being persecuted, mocked, and misunderstood; they should also imitate Jesus by
                              enduring unjust suffering with grace. Hardships are bound to come in this life, but they
                              do not have the last word 153

                       153  Barry, J. D., et al.
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