Page 32 - New Testament Survey Student Textbook
P. 32

3.4 Let’s Practice…

                       1.Who wrote the book of Acts?
                       2.When was the book of Acts Written?

                       3 - 5. Name at least three purposes of the writing of the book of Acts?

                       6-8. According to the author, what could be the three major key verses?

               9-11. Under what atmosphere did the bible author write this book, give three facts?

               12. After what chapter do we see the focus shift from Peter to Paul?

               13. According to the author of the book of Acts, where does Paul minister last?

               3.5 Let’s Personalize this lesson…

                        This book shows us that God can do amazing things through ordinary people when He
                        empowers them through His Spirit. However, whoever is used of God has to be willing to be
                        selfless, be decerning, and submissive to His leading. Too often, we do not reflect those
                        characteristics. We respect our time and programs too much that we cannot break our
                        routines in order to invest in the life of someone else who needs the gospel. We fear about
               how others will react to our faith. We fail to recognize the Holy Spirit when He is speaking. This book
               challenges us to forsake ourselves and realize that this life is short, hence we should live it to the fullest.
               Life can only be meaningful if we live it for God.  And suffering and dying for Christ’s sake is an honor,
               not an embarrassment. Will you choose to be selfless, decerning, and submissive to the Holy Spirit’s

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