Page 36 - New Testament Survey Student Textbook
P. 36

Paul explains that all have sinned and face the consequence of death (3:23; 5:12; 6:23). But God has
               provided the salvation we need through the death and resurrection of His Son (6:5–11; 8:1–4), and
               nothing can separate us from His love (8:38–39). Despite our wrongdoings against God and other people,
               Jesus saves each of us who believe. While our sin previously stood in the way, Jesus makes a way for us
               to have  a relationship with God again. Jesus makes a way for us  to be unified in  His name. We are
               empowered to collectively and boldly proclaim—and live—the good news of Jesus.

                   *See L. Morris, Romans, 7-18, for a list of twelve major proposals for the purpose of Romans.  Paul’s
                   magnum opus is both expositional and occasional.

                      Paul’s own circumstances (Expositional)        Situation of the church in Rome (Occasional)
                 Spain (15:23-24, 28-29): plans to launch a new            Rome: his statements of determined purpose to visit
                ministry in the Latin speaking west via Rome; thus   Rome brackets the body of the letter (1:8-15; 15:20-
                to enlist the support of the church at Rome for this   33) and indicate both a pastoral and evangelistic
                venture.  To gain their recognition and support he   intent.  He wants, then, to prepare them for his visit
                feels the need to set forth his gospel.          and more clearly introduce himself and his gospel to
                                                                 a church he neither founded nor had visited.
                 Setting in Corinth: winter of 56-57, reflecting on his
                ministry to that point with plans to complete the e.   Chs 9-11 and 14:1-15:13 both seem to presuppose
                Mediator. phase of work (15:20, 21, 23); reflects on   relational tensions between the Jewish and Gentile
                problems with Judaizers in Galatia and pseudo-   sections of the church in Rome.  Paul fights on two
                apostles in Corinth.  Thus, in part the exposition   fronts:  (i) to show the Jewish minority that they must
                flows out of this decisive, critical juncture of the   not insist on the law as a condition for covenantal
                apostle’s life.  Mature, reflective Paul.        privilege; (ii) to admonish the Gentile majority against
                                                                 indifference and even arrogance against things
                Jerusalem: the coming delivery of the collection in   Jewish by underscoring that Israel still has salvation
                Jerusalem as a seal of his Gentile ministry to this   historical primacy and is the “root” of the church
                point is uppermost in Paul’s mind (15:16, 25-31).    (esp. olive tree metaphor in 11:16-24).
                The focus on Israel and the Gentiles in God’s plan
                (esp. Chs 9-11) may be in part to defuse any
                misunderstandings which could arise (or past
                criticisms) in his coming visit to Jerusalem, a visit
                and gift designed to solidify the unity of the one
                church of Christ, Jew and Gentile.

               *Summary of the purposes behind the writing of Romans:

               1.  Missionary purpose: as a “letter of introduction” Paul writes to enlist the support of the Roman church
                   as his new base and sponsor for the mission to Spain.

               2.  Doctrinal purpose: to capture and expound the heart and essence of his gospel (1:16-17)— (i) as he
                   reflects on past struggles and God-given triumphs in the twenty five year history of the eastern

                       70  Barry, J. D. et al

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