Page 40 - New Testament Survey Student Textbook
P. 40

E.  “But the words “it was counted to him” were not written for his sake alone, but for ours also. It
                       will be counted to us who believe in him who raised from the dead Jesus our Lord . . . for our
                       justification.” (V4:23-25 )

               What kind of Life that is Predicated on Imputed Righteousness (5:1-8:39)?

               (1) This is life characterized by peace with God and the hope of glory (5:1-11). It brings about transition,
               the reign of grace and life through Jesus Christ, the second Adam (5:12-21). (2) This is life characterized
               by freedom from enslavement to sin’s power (6:1-23) our status changes, we become dead to sin
               through union with Christ (6:1-10). Serving the Lord is never a burden because we become freed to
               serve a new master (6:11-23). (3) This is life characterized by freedom from the binding authority of the
               law (7:1-25). We are released from the power and authority of the law and joined with Christ (7:1-6) the
               law is good, but it is not able to overcome sin’s power (7:7-25). Therefore, life under the law is slavery to
               sin. (4) This is life characterized by the triumphant power of the Holy Spirit (8:1-39)

               What does Paul say is the ministry of the Holy Spirit to the bileiver?

               Here Paul provides the fourfold ministry of the Holy Spirit to the believer in Christ.
               Let’s take a closer observation on Romans 8:1-27, and find the ministry of the Holy Spirit in the life of
               the believer under the following broad categories:
                   1.  He is the Spirit of liberty (8:1-4): This means He sets us free in Christ Jesus from the law of sin
                       and death. The righteous requirements of the law are being fulfilled in us, who walk according
                       to the Spirit.
                   2.  He is the Spirit of life = victory (8:5-13): Through the indwelling Spirit of life, we will be victorious
                       over death (rise from the dead).
                   3.  He is the Spirit of sonship (8:14-16):  His indwelling, His leading, and His testimony of us who are
                       in Him, confirms that we are the sons of God.
                   4.  He is the Spirit of intercession (8:26 – 27): He helps us in our weakness. He intercedes for us
                       with groanings too deep for words. He intercedes according to the will of God.

               What is the meaning of “all Israel will be saved” in Romans 11:26?

               The concept of God hardening the hearts of Israelites for a while, to allow the number of gentiles to be
               fulfilled, then all Israel will be saved, is a big mystery which needs our great interest and attention,
               particularly, the idea that “all Israel will be saved.” In trying to understand this, we will seek the help of
               two scholars, and finally make our conclusion.

               James D. G. Dunn (p.681)
               Dunn argues that all Israel must mean Israel as a whole, as a people whose corporate identity and
               wholeness would not be lost even if in the event there were some (or indeed many) individual
               exceptions. This is against the order view that says Paul means “all spiritual Israel,” still maintained by
               Ponsot, and Refuel’s consistent attempt to argue that all here can only mean “all the remnant”. Dunn
               states that the idiom is well enough known and should not cause confusion (1 Sam. 25:1; 1 kgs 12:1;2
               Chro. 12:1; Dan 9:11; Isa 45:25), as a broad characterization rather than a specific enumeration
               (between ‘all’ and “the many”).

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