Page 52 - New Testament Survey Student Textbook
P. 52

*Exercise of gift: James’ wise disposition of the theological debate at the Jerusalem Council
                       (Acts 15:13-21).

               1 Cor 1:18-31- This passage gives the sense of gratitude. Notice that the message of the cross which the
               wise [according to the world] fail to understand, was revealed to us in a special way that we found
               salvation in it. God deserves praise for opening our understanding to this light. Has following Jesus ever
               made you look foolish? How was God’s wisdom revealed in those situations?

               1 Cor 2:1-5 – As preachers and teachers of the Word, this passage reminds us that the gospel has power
               in itself to change lives. Most of us if not all of us are not eloquent and wise in our preaching. If salvation
               depended on wise and eloquent preaching, then no one would be saved.
               Have you ever caused conflict in the church? Have you ever felt superior to someone else in church? How
               does having the mind of Christ free you from those tendencies (1 Cor 2:16)?
               1 Cor. 3:10-15 – Reminds us that every believer is responsible and accountable before God for the work
               of ministry. Not just pastors, as others think.

               Paul says that believers’ bodies are “members of Christ” and “the temple of the Holy Spirit” (see 1 Cor
               5:15–20). How well does your behavior support Paul’s statements? Do your actions show God’s image to
               the world?

               1 Cor. 7:20-24 – This passage gives us the sense of freedom. It reminds us that as believers, we do not
               need to change our careers to please God. We do not need to envy other people’s talents, giftings, and
               abilities in order to make an impact. God wants us to serve Him effectively, joyfully, and faithfully
               wherever, whenever, and regardless of status at any given time.

               1 Cor. 10:26, 31 – Here we are reminded that our thoughts, attitudes, actions, and just the
               completeness of our lives, should have God’s glory as its goal. This includes studies and even in our
               How can a Christian live in the world, without becoming part of it (1 Cor 5:9–13; 10:25–31)? How can you
               demonstrate the character of God in your life?

               1 Cor. 12:4-11 –This passage reminds us that every believer is gifted by God in concrete ways to be of
               service to others. There should be no room for any to envy other people’s spiritual gifts of grace. We
               always should be grateful to God for the gifts He gave us because each spiritual gift we have matches
               nicely with our personality and our making. What counts to God is how faithful we are in the usage of
               the spiritual gifts.

               Through having church leaders pray over you, have you identified your spiritual gifts (1 Cor 12:1–
               11)? How can you use your gifts to benefit God’s kingdom—inside or outside the church?

               1 Cor. 13: 4-8 – As this passage describes what love is:
               (1) Observation: here are the fourteen qualities of Love

                   1.  Love is patient
                   2.  Love is kind

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