Page 60 - New Testament Survey Student Textbook
P. 60

you do for others through your leadership? In which way do you influence other leaders to use their
               authority to serve other’s good?

               Cor. 5:10 – we are warned by this verse, that how we conduct ourselves in this life matters to God. See,
               Christianity is not just a matter of the heart. How do you ensure that your conduct approved by God?
               How does your conduct affect others? How do you help others develop good conduct?

               What does Paul mean when he tells his audience to “be reconciled to God” (2 Cor 5:20)? Why would the
               Corinthian believers need to focus on being reconciled to God if they are already Christians (see 2 Cor

               Cor. 8:7 – This verse is teaching us that growing generosity is a sign of growing faith. Every believer must
               be improving with joy and peace in this grace of giving. Do you see yourself improving, or going down in
               your giving?  What makes you improve or decrease? How do you ensure that you are consistently
               increasing in your giving? How do you encourage others to grow in the grace of giving?

               What motivation in generosity is Paul trying to encourage in 2 Cor 9:6–15 (see especially 2 Cor 9:8)? Do
               you think that Paul is saying that believers are guaranteed to receive back what they have given?

               Cor. 10:12, 18 – We sometimes feel tempted to compare ourselves to others in order to feel qualified or
               happy about ministry or just other general things in life, and we mostly become disappointed because
               we find there is always someone better than us. These verses rebuke us to measure ourselves by the
               Lord’s standards and seek only His commendation. To whom did you compare yourself? What was the
               effect of that comparison? How do you resolve to measure yourself by God’s standard?

               Paul is convinced that his personal “weakness” was an opportunity for God’s power to be demonstrated
               through him (2 Cor 12:9–10). Have you experienced a situation in which weakness or inability of some
               sort provided an opportunity for God’s power to be demonstrated? Are you willing to put yourself in
               that kind of situation?

               Paul tells his Corinthian audience to examine themselves to see if they were “in the faith” (2 Cor 13:5).
               Take a few moments to examine yourself and your life. What do you see? Are your words and actions
               consistent with how a Christ follower should live?

               2 Cor. 13:11 – These few last guidelines reveal to us that God’s effective presence is among us when we
               work toward peace with our brethren. Do you intentionally work toward peace with those who offend
               you? How do you encourage peace among the brethren?


               Firstly, Titus took an encouraging report to Paul which led Paul into writing very encouraging words to
               the Church (Ch. 1 – 9). But evidently troubling news reached Paul that some at Corinth were questioning
               Paul’s authority as an apostle.  This doubt may have been planted by "Judaizing teachers" who seemed
               to follow Paul and attempted to undermine his teaching concerning the Law. They appear to have
               questioned his apostolic authenticity (1:15-17), his speaking ability (10:10; 11:6), and his unwillingness
               to accept support from the church at Corinth (11:7-9; 12:13). There were also some people who had not
               repented of their licentious behavior (12:20-21).  Paul's primary purpose, then, in this epistle is: To write
               in advance of his visit so as to get all of the necessary rebuke out of the way (1:23-2:3; 13:10).  He also

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