Page 65 - New Testament Survey Student Textbook
P. 65

There is no mention of the Jerusalem Council decrees in Galatians, which would have underscored his
               arguments against the Judaizers.  Thus, written before the Jerusalem council.

               Peter’s hypocritical actions in withdrawing from table fellowship with the Gentile believers in Antioch
               (Gal 2:11-14), even affecting Barnabas, is far more likely before than after the Jerusalem council.  Of
               course, it is possible that 2:11-14 precedes 2:1-10, but direct historical sequencing is the more natural

               Dating based on theological development theories is very precarious since (i) at least sixteen years have
               elapsed since Paul’s conversion even with an early dating (A.D. 33-49), (ii) most of his writings occur in a
               brief eight year period (A.D. 49-57), (iii) the letters are occasional, not neat linear developments, and (iv)
               development theories can be constructed based on Galatians preceding Corinthians and Romans
               (Drane, Longenecker, Betz).

               *Conclusion: Paul wrote from Syrian Antioch (Acts 14:28), A.D. 48.

               D.A. Carson and Moo in their Introduction to the New Testament, (458-461), list five arguments in
               support of both the North and the South Galatian theories respectively that seem to have the strongest
               persuasive power. Do you agree with the conclusion that the South Galatian theory is compelling if not

                             North Galatian theory             South Galatian theory
                 1. In the speech of the day, Galatia meant the   1. People and places Paul knew and visited in the
                 place inhabited by the Gauls in the North.    South are known but none at all in the North.
                 Against this, it was also used of the whole   Acts 16:6 and18:23 may indicate work in the
                 province.                                     North, but never state that Paul planted
                                                               Churches there.
                 2. Luke is specific in naming places, to denote   2. Galatia was the only word available that
                 geographic locations, so when he mentions     embraced the people in all the cities of Paul’s
                 Galatia he must be understood to have been    first missionary journey.
                 naming the Geographic location of the northern
                 3. Paul could not possibly have addressed     3. Because of Paul’s illness (Gal. 4:14), it is
                 Lycaonians or Psidians O foolish Galatians (3:1),   unlikely that Paul preached in this difficult
                 particularly since this linguistic usage is generally   mountainous (North G.).
                 not attested.
                 4. The region of Phrygia and Galatia is       4. Ramsay, who did more than anybody to
                 understood to mean “Phrygia and the Galatia   establish the southern theory, argued that the
                 region,” Which is taken to mean that Galatia was   church developed along the great lines of
                 quite distinct from Phrygia (and presumably   communication. And these went through the
                 other districts such as Lycaonia).            southern parts of Galatia, not the North.
                 5. There is not the slightest hint in Galatians that   5. Barnabas is mentioned three times in the
                 Paul had experienced strong opposition when he   letter, which seems to mean that he was known
                 preached in the Galatian cities.              to the readers. But he only accompanied Paul
                                                               only on the journey when the South Galatian
                                                               Church was established.

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