Page 67 - New Testament Survey Student Textbook
P. 67

How does the book of Galatians impact our lives?

               Chapter 1:10, reminds us of whom to please in our preaching and teaching ministry. There is sometimes
               a challenge when a church has multiple gifted preachers. Preachers and teachers always need to watch
               against the temptation of trying to preach sermons that would win them the favor of men over the
               others. That is hypocrisy, and this verse has just done its work reminding us. (Galatians 1:10)

               I really do not know if we should be as confrontational as Paul in the given verses (2:7-14), but I think it
               is a good reminder that we have to take a step without fear, but in love, to correct  our fellow spiritual
               leader who falls in error. How are you planning to correct a leader you know is in error? Do you accept
               correction yourself?

               Chapter 3:11, reminds us that just as we are justified by faith, the righteous shall continue to live by faith
               or a faithful lifestyle. Are you living a faithful lifestyle? How do you encourage others to live a faithful

               In chapter 4:4-5, we clearly see the sovereignty of God in His perfect plan of redemption. It was all
               settled in the timely manner. He is never a little late nor too early! How has your perspective of timing
               change by this scripture? How do you encourage others to rely on God’s timing?

               We are admonished in chapter 5:22-23 that we are productive whether in Christ or outside Christ. In
               Christ we produce fruits of the Spirit. Outside Christ we produce fruits of the flesh. It is all by choice on
               what we need to produce. There are consequences for the fruits produced in the flesh and benefits for
               fruits produced in the Spirit. Challenge is where do we fall and which side do we choose? What fruits
               have you been producing lately? What fruits are planning to produce tomorrow and the days after?

               chapter 5:13 is a great reminder that we are not only servants of God, but that we are also servants of
               the people we lead, and that our service should be out of humility and love. Evaluate yourself, how do
               you lead in your ministry, like a boss, or a servant?

               Doing good needs encouragement. There is enough discouragement in this world for doing good. This is
               why Paul in Chapter 6:9 says, “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will
               reap a harvest if we do not give up.” Would you be an encourager of those who do good? How do you
               intentionally plan to do good and  encourage those who do the same after this class?

               The book seems to suggest that after Paul had planted the churches in Galatia during his first missionary
               journey, some Judaizers came along to teach that obedience to the Law of Moses is mingled with faith
               as the ground of the sinner's justification. It also appears that the Judaizers taught that the justified
               believer is made perfect by keeping the law. This is evident through Paul’s argument that justification is
               through the Abrahamic Covenant (3:1-22), and that the law, which was over four hundred years after
               the confirmation of that covenant, and the true purpose of which was condemnation, not justification,
               cannot annul a salvation which rests upon the earlier covenant. Secondly, Paul also argued by
               vindicating the office of the Holy Spirit as Sanctifier, not the Law (5:16-26).

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