Page 70 - New Testament Survey Student Textbook
P. 70

Study Section 8:  The Prison Epistles

               8.1 Connect.

                       As you ride over the fifth, sixth, and seventh Epistles of Paul, according to Bible order, I want
                       you to consider an obvious situation, which we all understand, that for a person who has done
                       something good, the natural outcome should be, celebration, appreciation, praise, and reward.
                       But to be punished, ridiculed, imprisoned, and be beaten for a good cause, yet continue to
                       preach joy, peace, faith, love and courage, such an individual is worth our attention and trust
               on the message he brings across, both in word and action. Paul is such a great model of a typical human
               being with an outstanding character worth emulating. The very fact that he is in prison for good deeds,
               yet maintaining a fantastic attitude, without grumbling, but with a great positive message, we owe his
               message our trust, acceptance, and great honor. Let’s begin…

               8.2 Objectives:

                      1. The student shall be able to demonstrate their knowledge of the authors of the Prison Epistles.
                      2. The student shall be able to locate when and where the books were written.

                      3. The student shall be able to name the recipients of the books.

               4. The student shall be able to describe the occasions under which the books were written.

               5. The student shall be able to describe the themes and purposes of the books.

               6. The student shall be able to explain the structures and outlines of the books.
               7. The student shall be able to demonstrate mastery of the atmospheres at the time of the writing of the

               8. The student shall be able to name the key passages in the books.

               9. The student shall be able to recite the key words in the books.

               8.3   Epistle to the Ephesians: A Call to Unity

                        Author: Paul is the author (1:1; 3:1). Sources from the early church unanimously affirm that he
                        wrote Ephesians. However, the book has not gone without debates about its authorship more
                        especially in the modern times. This debate focuses on the letter lacking personal greetings at
                        the end (as Paul’s letters usually do), the difference in writing style and emphasis from his other
               letters (outside of Colossians), and the suggestion that someone may have imitated Colossians when
               composing Ephesians. However, the arguments against Paul’s authorship lack merit and needs a lot to be
               desired, and could be explained by Paul dictating to a different scribe and other factors.

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