Page 73 - New Testament Survey Student Textbook
P. 73

               Paul wrote the letter to the Ephesians around the same time he wrote Colossians and Philemon, as he
               sent all three letters by the hand of Tychicus, accompanied by Onesimus (Ephesians 6:21; Colossians
               4:7–9; Philemon 1:10–12). At the time, Paul was in Rome undergoing his first Roman imprisonment
               (Ephesians 3:1; 4:1). For this reason, Ephesians is one of the four epistles commonly known as the Prison
               Epistles. Paul in this letter was not responding to any particular theological or moral problem, he just
               wanted to protect against future problems by encouraging the Ephesians to mature in their faith
               (Ephesians 4:1).
               Highlights: key passages:
                   •  All spiritual blessings. 1:3-14.
                   •  Paul's first prayer. 1:15-23.
                   •  Salvation by grace. 2:1-10.
                   •  Oneness of Jews and Gentiles in Christ. 2:11-22.
                   •  The revelation of the mystery. 3:1-13.
                   •  Paul's second prayer. 3:14-21.
                   •  The worthy walk. 4:1-16.
                   •  The different walk. 4:17-32.
                   •  The loving walk. 5:1-14.
                   •  The wise walk. 5:15-6:9.
                   •  The Christian Walk as warfare. 6:10-20.

                                 Overview of Ephesians

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