Page 76 - New Testament Survey Student Textbook
P. 76

Philippians 2:14 – 15 – Chapter 2 has a lot to speak to us, more especially on following Christ’s example
               of unity and humility (vv.1-4, 5-9). Another theme that runs alongside humility is obedience, and the two
               seem to be presented as inseparable. How has the humility of Christ affected your conduct? How do you
               plan to encourage others to emulate Christ’s humility and obedience?

               Paul exhorts his audience to look out for the interests of others (Phil 2:4). What do you think that might
               look like in everyday life? What does having the mind of Christ mean for you (Phil 2:5)?

               Paul holds up Timothy and Epaphroditus as worthy examples for believers to follow (Phil 2:19–30). How
               do you identify a good model of Christian faith? Who can you look up to as you follow Christ?
               What have you had to count as loss for the sake of Christ (Phil 3:7–8)? How does Paul’s perspective
               connect with yours? What do you need to set aside so that you can pursue Christ?

               Philippians 3:20 – This passage helps comfort Christians going through persecution, poverty,
               discrimination, and all kinds of injustices. These are more reasons why we are to eagerly look forward to
               the glorious coming of the Lord Jesus! How do you show eagerness to the coming of Christ?

               Paul calls the believers to “stand firm in the Lord” (Phil 4:1) and to “rejoice in the Lord” (Phil 4:4). What
               does your story say about standing firm and rejoicing? What situations today are challenging you to stand
               firm? What opportunities do you have to rejoice?

               Philippians 4:6-7 – We all get anxious about tons of uncountable things. some of those things frustrate
               our good character, our relationships with the Lord and the people we love the most, and they eat us up
               from inside, destroying our health. But we do not need to carry all the burdens and anxieties on us. Let’s
               take them to the Lord in prayer, and the results are amazing!


               It seems like at the time of the writing of the Epistle, the church at Philippi was at peace, but with the
               threat of the Judaizers and false teachers (3:1-4:1). Besides those threats, Paul’s letter to the Philippians,
               overflows with joy and thankfulness, even though he is writing from prison. Unlike his interaction with
               other churches, Paul had very little to correct in the Philippian congregation. He was encouraged by the
               believers’ concern for him and their faithfulness in living out the gospel. Paul teaches that the joy of the
               gospel should rule our lives, regardless of circumstances.

               Highlights: key passages

                   •  Thanksgiving and Prayer (1:3-11)
                   •  Paul’s Imprisonment and the Gospel’s Advancement (1:12-18a)
                   •  Paul’s Deliverance and Departure (1:18b-26)
                   •  Life as Christian Citizens (1:27-30)
                   •  Unity through Humility (2:1-11)
                   •  Pauline Exhortations in Light of Christ’s Lordship (2:12-18)
                   •  Timothy and Epaphroditus: Models of the Gospel (2:19-30)
                   •  Transition and Reiteration (3:1)
                   •  Paul’s Opponents and Past (3:2-6)

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