Page 79 - New Testament Survey Student Textbook
P. 79

reorganizes the way people live life (3:1–17). He then details how the people in a typical Graeco-Roman
               household should treat one another (3:18–4:1). He ends the body of the letter with final advice on prayer
               and wise living (4:2–6).
               •  Salutation and prayer (1:1–14)
               •  The Christ hymn and reconciliation (1:15–23)
               •  Paul, the Colossians, and empty philosophy (1:24–2:23)
               •  Living according to the cross (3:1–4:6)
               •  Final exhortations and greetings (4:7–18) 115

               How does Colossians impact our lives?
               Colossians 1:3, 9 – In these verses, Paul told the Colossians that he and his companions “always” prayed
               for them because of their faith in Christ and love for others. In this age where selfish thinking is lifted
               above everything, these verses provide a model of prayer and attitude which believers everywhere
               should follow and live by. How do these verses affect your prayer life? How do you ensure that others
               get impacted with these verses as well?
               What element of the truth about Christ stands out to you in Col 1:15–23? How does this passage change
               your view on life?

               Paul examines some of the false teachings of his time in Colossians 2. What do you think are the most
               dangerous false teachings today? Do you find any of them attractive or difficult to refute?

               Colossians 2:6-7 – Here Paul urges the Colossian believers to continue to grow in their faith and walk in
               Christ. Then he says “abounding in thanksgiving.” What fills up our prayer time? We seem to have more
               time presenting requests to God, but I we should grow in this discipline of thanksgiving. It looks like
               spiritual maturity is more in thanksgiving than presenting requests.

               Colossians 3:1 – 4 – In this generation where the billboards and commercials force us to draw our
               attention on ourselves and temporal things of this world, we really needed to be reminded to refocus on
               Christ and the eternal things.

               Are there any elements of the “old self” that you struggle to leave behind as you try to put on the new
               self in Christ (see Col 3:5–10)? How can you work with other believers to overcome the “old self”? In
               what ways can other believers hold you accountable?

               What parts of your life do you need to “let the word of Christ dwell in … richly” (Col 3:16)? How can you
               incorporate Scripture into your thoughts, actions, and relationships?

               Colossians 4:1-6 – In this last chapter, Paul gives lots of instructions. However, our interest will take us to
               verse 6 where he urges a believer to grow in graceful speech and also to be wise enough to know how to
               respond to each one accordingly. Often times we find ourselves in a dilemma of not being people
               pleasers yet be sweeter in our speech. This should be our prayer, that the Lord may grant us the wisdom
               to balance the two.


                       115 Ibid
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