Page 58 - History of Christianity - Student Textbook
P. 58
10.4 Let’s Practice…
1. Explain the doctrine of purgatory:
2. Why is the doctrine of purgatory and affront to Christ and His sacrifice for sin?
3. What is scholasticism and how did it influence theological teaching in the Middle Ages?
4. What are some of the false doctrines espoused by the Fourth Lateran Council of 1215?
5. What did Thomas Aquinas believer about reason and theology?
6. What additional false doctrine did John Duns Scotus add to the church doctrines?
7. In what ways did William of Ockham stand for the truth of the Scriptures?
8. What was the emphasis of Catherine of Siena’s life and teaching?
10.5 Let’s Personalize this Lesson…
Activity: How do you daily demonstrate to Jesus Christ that you love Him? Describe some activities
you participate in that demonstrate your love for your Savior: