Page 55 - The Church and Education Pro combined
P. 55
Let’s Practice…
1. The church is to be manager of what He entrusts to her.
2. The church must live on a to properly account to God.
3. Please define what a budget is for the church:
4. What is the first order of business a church must do to begin to create a budget?
5. After determining its income, what three ways can the church use this income to glorify God?
6. List five of the six questions a church should ask in determining the spending patterns of the church.
7. What is the final step to creating a budget?
Let’s Personalize this Lesson…
Does your church or do you personally operate using a budget. If you are involved in your
church, why not share this information with them and help them to create a budget. If you are
not, then perhaps you can do the same thing on a personal level. Make a list of all income and
expenses based on your personal or church priorities, then keep records of actual income and
expenses throughout the next few months to see if you can live by a budget.
Chapter 11: Borrowing Money