Page 58 - The Church and Education Pro combined
P. 58

4. A FOURTH PROBLEM with debt involves relationships.  Should you not be
               able to repay the debt, the church will fracture the relationship with their
               lender and blight the name of Christ, whom they represent.  The fractured
               relationships could result in eternal consequences!

               MEMBERSHIP AND TEACH US VALUABLE LESSONS God may wish to show his
               love by providing something but for which they have no resources. If the church
               goes into debt to get it anyway, we deny God that opportunity (see Luke 12:22–32).  In the same way
               that parents refrain from giving a child everything the child wants because parents know it isn’t in the
               child’s best interest, incurring debt can rob God of the opportunity to teach us through denial.
               Ecclesiastes 7:14 reminds us: “When times are good, be happy; but when times are bad, consider: God
               has made the one as well as the other.”

               Important Lesson:  It is ALWAYS better to SAVE for a purchase than to BORROW.  Wait and get it when
               God provides the funds, rather than getting it now and obligating God to pay for it in the future.  Remain
               FREE from slavery to others so that you can OBEY Christ in everything He asks you to do.  Make Him your
               sole master!

               Exodus 36:6-7 "So Moses issued a command, and a proclamation was circulated throughout the camp,
               saying, 'Let neither man nor woman any longer perform work for the contributions of the sanctuary.'
               Thus the people were restrained from bringing any more. For the material they had was sufficient and
               more than enough for all the work, to perform it"

               Church Discipline

               It was not long after the birth of the church that a couple of members sought to lie to the church
               leadership, and consequently lie to the Holy Spirit, about the selling price of a piece of property.  In this
               situation, God disciplined them severely by taking their lives (Acts 5:1-11).  In I Corinthians 5:4-5, Paul
               commands the church to discipline a person who is fornicating within the church.  He commands the
               church to put this person out of the church and deliver them to Satan for the destruction of their flesh,
               that their spirit may be saved.  Sounds rather harsh?

               Church discipline in the Scriptures takes two forms.  It may be given in the form of formative discipline
               or teaching discipline, or be given as corrective discipline or referring to correcting sin in the life of the
               offender.  When we think of church discipline today, we think of corrective discipline which may be a
               warning or a formal removing someone from membership of the church.  Another term may be
               “excommunication.”  This is not to say that removing a person from the church removes them from the
               possibility of salvation, as some denominations teach.  A church is incapable to taking the salvation of an
               individual away.  It refers to removing someone from membership in the church and participation in the
               Lord’s Supper and other worship opportunities.

               While churches shy away from such practices, it is interesting to note that the business world practices
               discipline when an employee or member disgraces himself with improper behavior.  A fraudulent lawyer
               is debarred.  A volatile player in sports can be fined or removed from the team.  A malpracticing doctor
               can lose his license to practice.  A teacher can be fined or fired.  The world seems to understand that
               there are consequences for improper behavior.  The same should be true in the church.

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